Wolf Alliance is a group of people dedicated to "care"....to care for the wolves, wildlife and many issues concerning our environment. Basically we work hard for the wolves.
The first thing we must understand is the 2/3rd's of the world needs to be educated about the wolf. The Red Riding Hood theory has grown over the years and still most do not believe "she lied".
Wolves are timid creatures; family oriented; loving to their packmates; live under a very strict hierarchy but most of all THEY FEAR MAN AS THEIR ONLY NATURAL ENEMY. Man has condemned the wolf for one reason - he is a "predator". For this he is hated and damned to death by hunters, trappers, many federal agents, and now....the government.
It is our job to both educate our friends, family, and anyone we come into contact with ... and as importantly - to fight for the wolves.