The Dawg's Rules of EMS
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Sick people don't bitch Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, any variation on this is a
bad thing. The more equipment you see on a EMT's belt, the newer they are. Being an EMT means having extended periods of intense boredom, interrupted by
occasional moments of sheer terror. Always follow the rules but be wise enough to leave them sometimes. If the patient vomits, try to hold the head to the side of the rig with the
least difficult cleanable equipment If you absolutely must vomit, than it is probably best to turn your head away
from the patient. If I'm up, EVERYONE is up! When responding to a call always remember that your ambulance was built by
the lowest bidder. If its stupid, but it works, then it ain't stupid ! The important things are always simple. The simple things are always hard. If the patientt is going to vomit (especially projectile) be sure to aim
towards any bystanders that would NOT clear the scene. "When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout". When a call comes in 2 minutes before shift change, you will always pass your
relief 1 block from the station. he/she/ it will be laughing and waving at you. You are bound to get a call either during dinner, while you are on the can,
or at 2:00am in the middle of a great dream. When it comes to needles, 'tis better to give than to receive. Listening to some EMT's talk on the radio makes you wonder why they don't
become professional auctioneers. Most of your patients are healthier than you are. Being in emergency services means you get to celebrate your holidays with all
your friends, while on-duty. Being an EMT means you get to expose yourself to rare, exotic and exciting
new diseases. You fall, you call, we haul, that's all.! If you have a ride-along you want to show the real world, nothing will happen
that shift. You can't cure stupid If it's wet and sticky and not yours, leave it alone! Heaven protects fools and drunks. The address is never clearly marked. The stereo must always be louder than the siren ! You know you are in trouble when the directions to a patient's house
include... " turn off of the paved surface..." The pain will go away when it stops hurting. The larger the house the furthest from a door the patient will be. If the patient fell and was moved by the family, they will have moved them so
that climbing stairs will be involved. The more important the game you are watching, the more ridiculous the call that interrupts it will be.The Rules of EMS