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Fire Department Ranks


Well like mostpar-military or quasi-military organizations, the fire service has a rank structure. This is to provide order and a chain of command. Of course this doesn't mean the best and the brightest are always in charge......

Fire Department Ranks

Leaps tall buildings in a single bound
Is more powerful than a locomotive
Is faster than a speeding bullet
Walks on water
Gives policy to God.

Deputy Chief
Leaps short buildings in a single bound
Is more powerful than a switch engine
Is just as fast as a speeding bullet
Walks on water if the sea is calm
Talks with God.

Assistant  Chief
Leaps short buildings with a running start and favorable winds
Is almost as powerful as a switch engine
Is faster than a speeding BB
Walks on water in an indoor swimming pool
Talks with God if special request is approved.

Battalion Chief
Barely clears a Quonset hut
Loses tug-of-war with a locomotive
Can fire a speeding bullet
Swims well
Is occasionally addressed by God.

Division Chief
Makes high marks on the wall when trying to leap buildings
Is run over by a locomotive
Can sometimes handle a nozzle without inflicting self-injury
Dog paddles
Talks to animals

Runs into buildings
Recognizes locomotive two out of three times
Is not allowed to touch the hose
Can't stay afloat with a life preserver
Talks to walls.

Falls over doorsteps when trying to enter buildings
Says, "Look at the choo-choo"
Plays in mud puddles
Mumbles to himself

Lifts buildings and walks under them
Kicks locomotives off the tracks
Holds nozzle in his teeth and eats smoke and flames
Freezes water with a single glance
HE IS GOD!!!!!
