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All About Ariela

Hello my name is Ariela Berlin. My birthday is 9-14-79 which makes me 20 right now and today is 7-2-00. Here are some pics of me. I am a Virgo and it seems to match my personality. I fall for Capricorns easily. I grew up in Baltimore City in Charles Villiage. I made a lot of friends and learned my street smarts. I used to be verry verry shy but after working at 711 for 4 years I had to come out of my shell and now I'm verry outgoing and extroverted. I'm not your typical jewish girl. I am mixed with Cherokee Native American, African American and European Caucasion which basically means I'm 1/4 black 1/4 cherokee and 1/2 whtie and Jewish. I am reform I don't practice that much just what I know. Here are a few of my friends.

I hope to one day be in the Guiness Book of world records for hte largest Smiley Face collection. I have lots of smiley stuff, from toilet paper which I dont' use to a telephone, clock, salt and pepper shakers, pillow, piggy bank, mouse pad, boxer shorts, radio, candle, posters, 3 lamps, Amoco sign, stickers, pens, pencils, balloons, hair scrunchies, pocketbook, piloows etc... the list goes on and on. So now is the part where you come in......IF ANYONE OUT THERE WHO READS THIS AND SEES ANYTHING I MEAN ANYTHING THAT HAS A SMILEY FACE ON IT PLEASE GET IT FOR ME PLEASE OH PLEASE.....for if I don't get into GUINNESS for the one item you didnt' getme WON'T YOU FEEL BAD

I have made some great friends online some of you I have met and some of you I have not. Either way I cherish your friendships the same. Here are some links to my firends' pages John the teddy bear cowboy. My cousin Carri has an awesome page and some links to some really cool pages that her friends made so go check em out and sign the slam books ok.

Do you beleive in FATE ?

I even collect MOB MOVIES.