New Business

The Arundel Key Club is dedicated to helping out the community. Here is a list of some of our upcoming events. Check back frequently because I will add more events as soon as they are scheduled. To learn more about each event, click on it.

Inductions--either April 24, May 1 or May 8... at the Odenton Kiwanis. We'll let you know exactly when and where later. (Don't forget to bring food or drinks that you signed up to bring!!)

March of Dimes-- new project... Save babies, collect money! More info at next meeting.

Rebuilding Together-- Saturday, April 26, 7:30am, Jameson Road

Craft Fair-- April 26, 2003 at Crofton Village Green. (Chair: Kitty)

Blood Drive--May 5 behind La Fiesta (Chair: Narmeen)

10K Race--June 7, 7:30am, meet at Crofton Country Club

Relay for Life--June 20-21, all night walk. We need to form teams soon, so please sign up! You need to raise money for this! Start collecting! It's a $10 minimum, and that will get you into the race, and a t-shirt, woo hoo!

For more check out Ongoing activities, or for what we have already done, check out Old Business.