Sarah's House

Who: Arundel Key Club

Where: Sarah's House in Fort Meade

When: Wednesdays from 6:30-8

Chair: Kristin Beam

As in past years, we will be going to Sarah's House, which is a homeless shelter in Fort Meade, weekly. This is an activity we are very passionate about and it is a lot of fun. We break into two groups. One group plays with the little kids and the other helps the older group with their homework. The "older" group consists of elementary and middle school children. In order to participate in Sarah's House, you must fill out some forms. Contact Kristin or any board member if you wish to participate but did not attend the orientation.

Arundel Key Club is being honored by Sarah's House for our hard work and dedication every Wednesday night for the last several years. The Honors Ceremony takes place on January 23, 2003 for all key clubbers who attend Sarah's House. You should know that you're very well appreciated, so thanks and keep up the good work!!


  • Head west on 175 into Fort Meade.
  • Turn right at the brown sign just past Reece Road.
  • Go into the third building on the left and you should find us at the visitor's sign-in desk.