In Loving Memory of Elise...

One of our very best friends and a talented writer has left us recently. Elise C. Moore, a true heaven-sent, passed away on January 3, 2002. Though she only lived 16 years, she has made an impact on our lives that will last an entire lifetime, and certainly beyond that. And because of this we do not mourn her death, but we revel in the idea of what a blessing she was to our lives.

First we would like to thank all of those who sent their condolences via email and ecard. That was sweet of you and it's comforting to know that so many out there care.

We'd also like to thank a fellow fan fic writer and a sweetheart, Fionna. She sent us a beautiful banner for Elise. Fionna, we cannot find enough words to tell you how much that meant to us. It was more than kind of you, thank you. We can't help but share her artwork with you all.

Elise never kept things bottled up within her. She always found a way to express herself. Whether she was happy or sad, pissed or excited. She often did it through dance, her dearest love. And she also found solace in writing. She was faithful to her journal, she loved writing poetry, and she also loved stories. One thing that she loved more than anything else was writing letters. We've decided to share a little excerpt of a letter that she sent Rain with you. We just feel like it captures Elise's warm spirit and unique character.

"...I feel so much better now, girl. I don't even know how to begin telling how how great it is down south. But you know I'll find a way! I got a job recently. Yeah, that's right, I'm working! And you know that I've never worked before, by choice. So the fact that I love this job is too funny to me. But check me out, going on and on and I haven't even told you where I work. Well, it's a daycare center. I go after school and help the little kids with their homework and stuff. And I play with them and entertain them. It is so much fun! And check it, I got four A's and three B's on my report card. Ain't that some stuff??? I know you're sitting there shaking your head like "yeah right" but I did it! It's funny though, looking back at how much I didn't care about school. Looking back at all the D's and E's I used to get. Now I'm the smart girl, and it feels so sweet. And I bet you a good 100 that my grades will continue to glimmer and glisten right up until graduation! Why the sudden change? Yeah, I know you, that's what you're thinking. I guess it's because I just want a good future for myself. I see you doing your thing in school, and Brittani is doing good too. Ya'll are always talking about college and stuff. And I want that too. I want to make Mami proud of me. Ya know? Oh God, girl, you should see me. I'm cheesin' something horrible. I'm working hard, staying out of trouble, cleaning up my name. This is good for me..."

Elise's biggest goal in life was simply to "do right". She had a tough history and once she made her mind up to set her life straight, she wouldn't settle for less. She set out to make a difference in her lifestyle and she did just that. We can honestly say that we wish we could be more like her. Determined, strong, optimistic... living life to the fullest. The last time we saw Elise, she was smiling. Elise never smiled unless she truly had something to smile about. That alone lets us know that even though she had to part from us, she parted with a light heart.

We're sure that if Elise were here now, she'd tell us all to "live up" every second we spend here on Earth and never to take anything for granted.

El, we love you dearly and you will forever be missed.

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