Samantha and Lana, two faithful Backstreet Boys fans, skimmed the Pop magazines in the supermarket while waiting for their mother to finish grocery shopping. Samantha picked up a Teen People magazine and flipped through the pages. She stopped when she spotted Nick’s face and started to read the blurbs at the bottom of the full-page picture.
“Oh my God! Lana, it’s so true!” Samantha exclaimed, continuing to read.
“What?!?” Lana asked, coming over to Samantha and reading the magazine too. Samantha started to read aloud.
“Nick Carter and his girlfriend Ava pose with their son, Ryan.” Samantha read from the blurb at the bottom of the page.
“Remember all those rumors spread last year. Well it’s true. It says here that they didn’t want to expose it at first, but they have no shame now. God, he looks just like Nick.” Samantha explained. Lana took another magazine and flipped to the same page. Both the girls read the articles and looked at the other pictures of Nick, Ava, and Ryan.
The articles explained the whole story, leaving out the part about the one-night-stand and Heather’s tricks of course (that wasn’t the publics business). Basically, Nick and Ava were coming clean before their secrets were exposed against their will anyway.
“She is so lucky.” Lana sighed, putting the magazine back once she finished.
“You say that like you really had a chance to be in her position.” Samantha countered.
“I know I never had the chance. All I’m saying is that they’re a cute couple. And she’s lucky to have him, despite the young age and all.” Lana said, justifying herself.
“Yeah, well I hope it lasts.”
“Yeah... too many people are bringing babies into this world and then splitting up. Sure one person can parent a child. But it takes two to really make the kid’s like complete.”
The End
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