Jan 09, 02

  I've got no clue what I'm doing today, I guess I am suffering from a horrid case of artist's block so, I just threw this crappie little set together from stuff that's been sitting around my hard drive for a while. I'm really at a lose for what to do anymore. When I sit in front of the computer to work on new stuff I just go completely blank as if someone reaches into my head and pulls all my thoughts and ideas right out of me. Sometimes when these things happen to me I just wanna shut the whole site down and forget about doing these sets. I mean no one would give a rat butt if I did them or not because there are just so many other free designers out there who's work is way better than mine. Honestly, no one even signs my guest book or writes to tell me if they like my stuff or not so what's the use... Oh well, I'll keep this damn site up for just a little longer to see if I can break out of my funk.
 How: These pieces are really rather old so, I am just going to have to wing it to explain how to do this on your own. You will need Paint shop pro (I use version 7 which comes with animation shop 3 which you will need later) and an alien skin plug in called xenofex. First I hand painted the button, banner, and left side design for the background. then I made them all transparent and saved them for later.  After that I used the television effect in xenofexs on a piece of canvas the size I wanted my background to be and saved that for later. I then opened everything in animation shop and placed the left side design onto the big image for the background copy and pasted the image into a new animation frame and then flipped it. I did the same with the other stuff as well. It was easy and took very little time. The only thing you must pay close attention to is the background design because if it's not perfectly symmetrical it will sort of shack which draws people's eye away from text or what ever else you want them to look at and could cause agitation. Hee they use this kind of thing in psychology classes too.