May 08, 2002
  After a long long wait I am back feeling fresh and ready to face the world (or at least my readers) again. I don't really have an excuse for my long absence for designing other than lack of interest and laziness, I'm sorry about it but that's life. Anyway, I've decided to start a new section of sets based off live action (mostly sci-fi) TV shows and movies. This first one is Kai from LEXX and it was created out of my sadness over the shows ending. 
  First I ripped off some pics from then using photo impact 6 I cut out the good bits and colorized them. After the resizing and editing out of text was done I used flaming pear's melancholytron to get the nice edging. I had to flip the larger images around and use it over and over to cover all the edges. Yes I do realize I could have gotten the same effect using the paint tool set on a low thickness but it's a new plug in so there :P. After that was done I saved as a high quality jpg file and set them aside. To make the background and button i used a small piece from the center of the top banner. For the background i just used the tessellation tool to make it seamless. For the text I used the material settings to make a transparent "glass" finish after that I pulled out melancholytron again and did the edges by flipping the text around. The button was super simple because i just edged it with the paint tool. Hope all you Lexxians out there dig my meager offering!