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Title: Cat's Growl
Author/pseudonym: Wildeskind
E-mail address:
Rating: G
Status: New, complete
Parts: 1
Date: September 1, 2000
Archive: YES
Series/Sequel: none

Warnings: OFC.
Conventions: I use / / to mean when someone is thinking.
Disclaimer: I don't own the guys, please don't sue me.
Summary: Blair comes home to find an empty loft. Empty except for the sound of purring.
Beta Credit: No beta.

Opening the loft door, Blair dropped his keys in the basket, yawning. He'd spent the night over at Simon's to give Jim and his lady friend some privacy. He was surprised not to see Jim up. Wondering where the two lovebirds were, he called out Jim's name. Checking beside the front door, he saw the tall detective's running shoes were missing. He must have gone out running then. He didn't hear Sarah anywhere in the apartment. Either she was with Jim or still sleeping.

Mystery solved, he started back to his room, thinking how nice a long hot shower sounded. A long growling sound stopped him. Unsure if he had heard what he had heard, he stood there, his ears straining. The faint sound of a cat's growl repeated itself. Following it to the french doors leading to the balcony, he pulled back the curtains. Sitting up atop of the brick wall, her back against the building, Sarah was happily growling and purring like a cat.

He was about to move back when Sarah turned her head, her eyes unerringly finding him at the door. Caught, he opened the door and joined her on the balcony.

She relaxed back to her spot. "Jim's out running." She offered.

"Yeah, so I gathered." He dropped into a chair. The summer sun quickly warmed him. "Enjoying the sunshine?"

Her lips quirked. "Yeah. I love being warm. Not that it's cold in the loft. I just love the sun when it's not too hot and not too cold. Like today." She closed her eyes and lifted her face to the sun. A stray purr escaped her throat. One eye cracked as she checked on his reaction.

Turning away, he grinned. He suspected she did half the outrageous things she did just to get a rise out of people. Clearing his throat, he gave a credible purr.

Not to be out done, Sarah began to purr louder, adding more complex sounds.

After a couple of failed attempts at matching her purring, Blair began to growl and snarl like a bear.

Sarah giggled. Encouraged, he let loose with a roar worthy of a loin.

Behind him, the door open. The lastest roar caught at back of his throat, coming out a startled squeak. Coughing, he turned around. Jim was lounging against the door, arms crossed his chest, his eyes laughing. "Do I really want to know what's happening here?"

Sarah slipped from her perch. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she smiled ingeniously up at him. "Creo que no! Hola, guapo. Que pasa?"

"Bueno, chica. What mischief have you been up to?"

Blair offered his own explaination. "Sarah was just sharing with me a ritual greeting of the sun. Something she picked up in her travels. I'm not sure I was imitating her correctly."

Sarah gave a heavy sigh. "Oh, well, you know what they say. Invitation is the highest form of flattery." She blinked and groaned. "I mean, imitation. Imitation is the highest form of hattery." She buried her face in Jim's chest. "You know what I mean." She muttered.

Manfully swallowing his laughter, Blair got up and patted her on the shoulder. "Yeah, I think we do. Have you two had lunch yet?"

On que, Sarah's stomach gave an audible grumble, followed by one from Jim's stomach. Blair nodded. "I'll take that as a yes from the bottomless pits. Come on, let's get out of here." He pushed past them into the loft, taking for granted they would follow.

As Jim and Blair waited by the door for Sarah to get her stuff together, Blair asked Jim softly. "She doesn't do that purring thing in bed, does she?" His partner just stared down at him with an look questioning his sanity. Realizing the question was out of bounds, Blair held up his hands. "Okay, okay, that was out of line. But if she does, it brings up a whole line of questioning. I mean, what if she's has some sort of connection to your spirit guide, or something."

Jim rolled his eyes. "Blair, the woman has a strange sense of humor. You're either going to have to deal with it or suffer the agonies of the perpetually teased. Besides, I think the purring's kind of cute."

Blair grinned triumphantly. "So she does do it in bed!"

His only answer was a swat to the back of the head.

The End.

I am a delicate flower of creativity, and I'll re-write anyone who says otherwise.
-The Writer

On the other hand, I do like to hear what people think of my insanity.

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