My Friends
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Well, I should have made this page long time ago…. lots of memories lost in the past...
Some people come into our lives and quickly go
Some people become friends and stay a while.
Leaving beautiful footprints on our hearts.
and we are never quite the same
Because we have made a good friend.

Yesterday is history
Tomorrow a mystery
Today is a gift
That's why it's called present.
Love and savor every moment.

A friend is a person to laugh and cry with, An inspiration, Someone who lends a helping hand, though friends may not be forever, And they may not end up together, the memories of a true friendship will last forever. A friend is not a shadow nor a servant But someone who hold a piece of a person in his heart. Someone who shares a smile, Someone who brightens up your day What makes a person a friend? Is by saying your Love will stay.
Looser make promises
Winners make commitments

Monica (Mona) Simon

Shadi Rezai Monday 04/10/2000 1:20 PM Phoenix Arizona

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