Loneliness is setting in again
Tears fills my eyes
A tug of emptiness grips my heart
Where you have gone I have no clue
I only know I miss and want you.
You came along,invaded my most private fantasies
You touched and caressed my inner being
You took away the loneliness and made my soul sing
You took and still hold my heart captive
You made me dream of pleasures that I had long forgotten could exist
You filled me with erotic passions made my body burn with desire.
You touched my cold lonely heart giving it warmth and life
Time has slipped away, I feel winter setting in
You were mine for a brief Season
Elusive Love
Copyright ©2000-2001
Life can be so Ironic
Winter was setting in
I was getting use to the cold
Why did you have to come back
Lighting up the tempestuous spark
When I saw your name again
My Heart went Zooming
I started to tingle
Made me weak in the knees
What is the spell you have over me?
You are a Illusion I can't really see
A name on a screen and a voice on the
Someone who made me not feel
so alone.
Will I ever let you go?
My Heart says no! For you have made it
Forever Young...
Elusive Love Poety