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Portland Light.JPG 60k Gorham Mtn. at only 525' offers a nice view of the Sand Beach area. It is one mountain south of Beehive. It is a moderate hike. The boat is the nature or scenic cruise from Bar Harbor. It goes by Sand Beach then over to Egg Island.
Beehive.JPG 67kOtter Cliffs There are many ways to spend your time at Acadia. This would not be my first choice. Actually it would be my last as a matter of fact. The cliffs drop about 100-150 feet straight down to the rocks below. There were 3 pairs climbing around when we were there.
Beehive.JPG 70kMountains Here is another view from the rocky shore along Ocean Path. The mountain on the left is Gorham. The one on the right is Beehive and the one in the middle is Champlain. The view is about north and slightly west.
Great Head.JPG 84kCarriage rides are available for those who do not wish to walk or bike. The carriage roads are all west of the mountain "range" we have been looking at. The hiking is good but the views are not quite as nice, but they are ok.
Cabin8.JPG 51kSea kayaking is another popular passtime. This group is arriving in Bar Harbor. My wife did a four hour trip and enjoyed it. I don't do boats. The trips run about $40.
Champlain Mtn.JPG 52kMargret Todd I believe this is a four masted schooner. You can book a trip on her out of Bar Harbor. She is returning from a cruise here. She is lowering her sails and will enter the harbor under diesel power.
Mt. Champlain.JPG 77kNorwegean Sea cruise ship dropped anchor a few hundred meters out from the pier. She is a little over 700 feet long. The passengers were brought to the pier in a boat the size of the one on the right. Bar Harbor was jumpin'. We pulled up some grass at the Bar Harbor Inn and took in the sights.
Champlain Mtn.JPG 33kSunset A trip to Acadia would not be complete without a trip to Cadillac Mountain for sunset. Actually they aren't that great here most of the time. The photo looks better than the actual event did. It is usually windy on Cadillac, but it was really bad this evening. Gusts must have approached 50 mph, but it was relatively warm. A light wind breaker was adequate. Fare thee well until next trip!
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Last Update: 06/24/2001