Updates Of June
6/3/01 I added chapters one and two of Buffyverse/DCverse: HelLex V: Hero by cHarley.
6/4/01 I added parts nine and ten of Bat-Clan: The Tether by Cyndi Smith.
I also made a seperate section for my interests called My Stuff.
6/7/01 I added chapter three of Buffyverse/DCverse: HelLex V: Hero by cHarley.
I aslo created the My Bishoujo
I also added Morriden: Light at the End of the Tunnel, Part Three by Rosencrantz.
6/11/01 I added Robin: Will The Real Robin Please Stand Up? by Arlene.
I also added chapter four of Buffyverse/DCverse: HelLex V: Hero by cHarley.
6/12/01 I added chapters five through eight of Buffyverse/DCverse: HelLex V: Hero by cHarley.
6/16/01 I added chapters nine and ten of Buffyverse/DCverse: HelLex V: Hero by cHarley.