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gwyneth jones online portfolio
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gwyneth jones electronic portfolio  

an electronic portfolio of a middle school library media specialist featuring resume, bio, curricular-based educational web sites, tutorials,
web quests, projects, digital images gallery and more!

library media/technology specialist
murray hill middle school, howard county, maryland

the stats :
Curriculum Vitae


-mpt/ntti online bio -
-PBS WNET new york channel 13 bio - Thirteen Ed Online - NTTI

-howard county outstanding technology-using educator of the year 2004 -
MICCA: an association for educators using technology

-teacher of the year 2001 - maryland public television/national teacher training institute/wnet new york channel 13
website award: A+ education site award

academic web pages:
-internet safety for parents and teens - safe surfin', warning signs, internet filtering software, know your sources: evaluating web pages,
netiquette, misleading internet ads, and more!

-chesapeake bay fun facts! - an internet directed task about
maryland's greatest natural resource

-marijuana facts for teens - an internet directed task for health education
-vacation planner & travel guide: a math and media enterprise!
-expedition to egypt: a money, math, and media adventure!
-internet integration: a jump start - making the web work for you in and out of the classroom
-webquests@work - what they are, where to find them, and how to use them
effectively in the media center or classroom

-are you net savvy? a directed internet task - netiquette, internet safety, internet privacy, know your source, misleading banner ads, and more!
-this violent earth: a research task about earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis
- talkin' trash! -it's ALL about recycling
-comparative mythology: comparing myths between cultures

professional development:
-DC-101: digital camera basics, buying, and use in the classroom
-tapped into teacher professional development: an online community of practice - MICCA 2003
-easy web design: forget the java and the html!
create really cool web pages with netscape composer

-howard county public schools technology training web quests, web design, curricular connections, teacher resources and more!

johns hopkins university:
- graduate course instruction
professional development to support technology integration
columbia center.
view the class official class web site
login to the JHU Blackboard site

summer 2001- techtour builder for the star schools project
created two lessons that were used as a prototype for the new
Boundless Learning Project Builder
Enter the TechTour Number to View Lesson
144 This Violent Earth
146 Digging Into Maryland's Past

-get into cybershape! a web resource for educators. biohealth link: questions of cancer -summer institute- medical school campus: johns hopkins university.
-NTTI2000- MPT's national teacher training institute for math, science & technology - internet technology presenter
-NTTI1999- MPT's national teacher training institute for math, science & technology - master teacher
-MPT's C.L.A.S.S. Club: "Starring Me!"- computer literacy in after school settings

mpt/ntti lesson plans online:
-talkin' trash: it's all about recycling!

research hot link pages:

-backflip media resources
a backflip folder i maintain with links to education resources
for teachers, parents and students.
- MHTV Studio resource links, the sites that help us create our daily
LIVE MHTV news broadcast

-science research@MHMS
-weather research@MHMS
-television production

fun stuff:
-digital images gallery- images taken with a sony mavica digital camera
-dover705 on the ocean - an oceanfront luxury condo


this page was first created in 1997 on a Macintosh, baby!
last updated 10.04.2009
"she blinded me with science and hit me with technology!" - thomas dolby