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Karen's Page

For those of you who actually look at my page or Ken's, thanks for stopping in! Things are good at home, although still pretty hectic (I guess hectic becomes a way of life after child #3.) It's hard to believe that Joe is a year old already, it seems like I just came home from the hospital. Funny how the kids are getting older, but I am frozen in time ;-)

I am still working at USP as an executive secretary in the Standards Operations division. I've also started working as a Creative Memories consultant, since I really enjoyed putting together my first full scrapbook. I'm going to do a yearly family album as well as doing a "school days" album for each child. Steph is excited to help me with her album, and it's a nice way to save the pictures we take as well as recording what was going on when the pictures were taken.

Steph started kindergarten at St. Louis this fall, so I am sure I will have lots of opportunities to work with other school parents on various projects. I already participated in the annual gift wrap fundraiser, and will probably continue to do so (the fundraising goes on all year with online purchases, not just the catalog-based drive at the beginning of the school year.) St. Louis held their first annual Wine Tasting fundraiser on March 27, which I worked. Ken, Mom, Darcy, Victor, Brian and I all attended, and had a really good time. Decanter Wine Wines in Columbia sponsored the tasting and had order forms for all of the beers and wines that were available for sampling. Ten percent of the purchase price was donated to the school. We haven't gotten the final numbers yet, but based on the turnout and response from the attendees, I'm sure it was very successful. Because of working full time, it's been tough to meet other parents at the school, so volunteering in the classroom when I can or at HSA events is bringing me in contact with a lot of new people.

Darcy and I are trying to do at least 6 charity walks this year, and now that Spring is approaching, we have more opportunities. So far, we've signed up for the March of Dimes WalkAmerica on May 2, the arthritis walk on May 8, and Race for the Cure on June 5.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

Ken and I have a new e-mail address , and you can still reach me at my Yahoo address.

This will take you back to family page.

My Favorite Web Sites

Urban Legends
ClubMom- a site just for mothers!
The Internet Movie Database- a great spot to answer
Television Without Pity: A funny site for TV show recaps and commentary
Visit to click and provide free mammograms at the Breast Cancer Site
MSN's site just for women- articles, advice columns and chats
Every busy mom's dream- online ordering and delivery of groceries- check out if it's available in your area!
My Yahoo photo album