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Ken's Page

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Ah, Spring is approaching, and we know what that means for Ken- Honor Band rehearsals two nights a week until early April, Festivals, mall concerts, wedding gigs with the the brass group, CHC Alumni Band bull roast...

As usual, Ken is not taking a breather! He is still teaching at St. Peter's in Olney and St. Pius in Bowie, but will be leaving at the end of this school year. He has been offered the band director position at St. John's College High School in DC and has decided to accept the position. This is a big step, and was not really planned, but seemed like too good of an opportunity to pass up. The new position will include teaching classes and supervising the string and choral teachers. Ken already has some big plans for a new jazz band and some expansion to the music program at St. John's.

Ken is still playing with The Positions in his "spare time". The Positions have just finished recording the last songs for their upcoming CD, so stay tuned for further information on that. St. Peter's played in the North Festival on March 21, earning a #1 rating again this year. St. Pius performed in the South Festival on March 28 (also receiving a #1 rating again this year,) and the Archdiocesean Honor Band concert was April 3. Now, Ken will collapse for Spring Break (the week after Easter) and enjoy some time bonding with the kids.

Thanks for visiting.

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