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Guardian Rules

For centuries, these rules remained unwritten, passed on verbally through generations of the Guardians, becoming slightly different with each passing generation. We realised the importance of written rules so that there would be no misunderstandings.
First of all, we operate mainly on an honour system, in that the lower ranks honour and respect those above them, and those in the higher ranks do whatever necessary to teach and guide the younger ranks, to assist them in their journeys.

1. Guardians are female. We're not trying to be discriminatory here-there are males with Guardian powers and they are perfectly welcome to train here in Haven. However, they can't become full-fledged Guardians, and though they can attend the Guardian council, they can't be committee leaders. Nosedive is the first and last male Guardian
2. There are evil Guardians, unfortuneately, called Betrayers. Very evil. Just thought I'd warn you.
3. Guardians train under older, higher-ranking Guardians. Some take centuries to finish their training (and some never do) so don't worry-it's nothing like school. Often a Master Guardian will take on a Guardian-in-Training (kinda like a Padawan in Star Wars) to be like an apprentice. If you want to be that type, go ahead. You'll need to create another Guardian to be the Teacher/Student too.
4. Your character can have any ranking you want. Honest! We're not going to force you to work your way up the ranks, because you can create a character that's ALREADY done it all!
5. The rankings are as follows (lowest to highest): Guardian-in-Training, Young Blood, Guardian, Guardian council-member, Guardian leader, Master Guardian, High Guardian (there's always only one, however, at the moment, there is none. You could try for that position!).
6. Guardians have wings. They're usually angel-type wings, but they could be bat-type, fairy-type, etc. They aren't usually visible, they only show up when they want them to.
7. Guardians of the last Generation (born between 1985 and 2015) have a mask like Drake DuCaine's (Wildwing's) only more powerful, and worn, shrunk, as some peice of jewellary.

That's it! Go and sign up!