Hispanic National Law Enforcement Association

Of New Jersey

P.O. Box 465 Burlington, New Jersey 08016 609-689-1127

Hispanic National Law Enforcement Association of New Jersey. HNLEA of New Jersey

Jose Rivera President Jose Rivera President Jose Rivera President Jose Rivera President Jose Rivera President Jose Rivera Jose Rivera President

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The Hispanic National Law Enforcement Association Of New Jersey Inc. is a non­profit organization of professionals involved in the administration of justice and dedicated to the advancement of Hispanic and minority interests within the law enforcement pro­fession. Formed in 2001, HNLEA Of New Jersey is currently engaged in an effort to increase the number of qualified Hispanics (Latinos) and minorities entering law enforcement, Corrections and in the expansion of employment opportunities for Hispanics(Latinos) and minorities.

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HNLEA Of New Jersey seeks to unify Hispanic and minority law enforce­ment employees in all communities throughout New Jersey by serving as positive liaisons between the Hispanic and minority officers and the community. It also provides a role in public education as well as community activities in which it participates. Together with representatives of the other major Hispanic and minority Law Enforcement Associations, HNLEA National is in a unique position to evaluate, influence, and recommend legislation in relation to the employment conditions of Hispanics and minority law enforcement officers and the Criminal Justice System. The HNLEA Of New Jersey Chapter will also assist in sensitizing law enforcement executives, officers, comm­unity members and government agencies as to the areas of concern within the Hispanic and minority community.

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HNLEA of New Jersey serves by working closely with our youth and other community groups to develop strong support between Law Enforcement, Corrections and the community. In addition, it organizes and enhances each of its member’s ability to deliver the highest quality of law enforcement service possible. The Hispanic National Law Enforcement Association (HNLEA National) is an Association, which has been duly recognized by the United States Congress as the only National Organization representing Latino Officers.


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