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[Pics] you always wanted to know how to post a picture by yourself? Here's how you do it:

type: <*img src=http://www.the address.jpg>

Note: Take out the * from the script, or it won't work. You also have to type the EXACT address 4 the pic, Captial letters are very important!
If the pic is animated, it should end with .GIF
You can add a little message once the cursor is over it, just add alt="msg" before the end. Ex: <*img src= alt="fff">

Your final result should be something like this (put your cursor over the pic)What r U looking @

There, wasn't that easy! Next step is how to make a link by yourself. Here's how:
type: <*a href=http://www.the>DESCRIPTION GOES HERE
Your final result should look like this: Pic Archive
NOTE: To end the link and return to normal font, type <*/a> at the end of the link. (without the *)

Next step is how to change font color/size/face. Here's how:
Type: <*font color=any color you want> and to change font size type <*font size=from 1 to any number you want> or <*font face=choose>
Your final result should look like this: SANE
NOTE: If you want to return to normal font, type <*/FONT> at the end of your message and it should return to its original color.

[Bold, Underline, Italics...]
This will show you how to make your text bold, italics, underlined and strikeout. Here's how:

Type: <*b> for bold, <*u> for underline, <*i> for italics, and <*strike> for strikeout.
Your final result should look like this: Bold,Italics,Underline,Strikeout

Note: If you want to change back to normal font, type <*/b> or <*/u> at the end of your text. (If you used underline, then it's <*/u>. If you used bold, then it's <*/b> ect...

This'll show you how to make buttons.

Type: <*input type="button" value="title of the button" onClick="alert('write whatever u want here'); return true">
Your fial result should look like this:

Note: You can change the onClick part to onmouseover. That means that when the user puts his/her cursor over the mouse, it will show the alert. To change it so it would do that, simply change the part where it says "onClick" to "onmouseover". DON'T MODIFY ANYTHING ELSE! It should look like this

This'll show you how to make a button.

Type: <*INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=msg on button>

Your Final result should look like this:

Note: This is just a button. To make an alert button, look above.

This will show you how to make your text move. Here's how:

Type: <*marquee>Whatever you want here.
Your final result should look like this: Just passing by!
You can also change the backround color, type: <*MARQUEE BGCOLOR=BLUE>Your text goes here<*/MARQUEE>
Result:Your text goes here
As well as all of this, you can make your text bounce from side to side. Type:<*MARQUEE BEHAVIOR=ALTERNATE>Your text goes here<*/MARQUEE>
Final Result:Your text goes here

To choose your marquee speed, type: <*MARQUEE SCROLLAMOUNT=number u want>Your text goes here<*/MARQUEE> The higher the value of scrollamount, the faster the scroll.
Result:Your text goes here

To Choose the direction of your marquee, just type: <*MARQUEE DIRECTION=Direction u want>Your text goes here<*/MARQUEE>
Result: Your text goes here

Note: If you want to change back to normal font, type at the end of your text.

This will show you how to make a useless list..

Type: <*form> <*select NAME="list1" SIZE=3 MULTIPLE> <*option VALUE="opt1">option1 <*option VALUE="opt2">option2 <*option SELECTED VALUE="opt3">option3 <*/select> <*/form> <*/optgroup> <*/select>

Your Final result should look like this:
Who is the coolest:

Note: This is as useless as it can get. Make sure you took out all of the *s.

This changes the font size into fixed-width font.

Type: <*CODE>blah blah blah<*/CODE>

Your Final result should look like this: Hello....

Note: Useful when displaying computer codes because it appears in a fixed-width font. still pretty useless...

[Radio Button]
This makes a Radio button.

Type: <*input TYPE=RADIO NAME=Gender VALUE=Male>

Your Final result should look like this:

Note: N/A

This will show you how to make other useless things...heh.

Type: <*br>To begin a new line.
<*hr> to make a line like this
and type <*p> to make a new paragraphe.

Note: These commands don't need to end with <*/>s.

This will show you how to make a frame.

Type: <*iframe src="">

Your final result should look like this:
Note: Some people might find it annoying to do so, because you have to load 2 pages at a time. You also have to end it with <*iframe> so it can work

[Mail to]
This is how you make a "Mail to"

Type: <*A HREF="" TARGET="_top">My e-mail.
Your final result should look like this: My e-mail

Note: Don't forget to add <*/a> at the end.