Has AOL Gone Mad ??

I tried to get online today, and this is what I got

I was somewhat aggravated, but kept my cool and tried again

My aggravation grows but I simply MUST get in, so ....yes !

I try another time! OK !! It's looking good Or so I thought I give it one last shot before I lose my mind

YES !! Yippee !! I'm finally in I LOVE to be online !!

I'm still upset so I email AOL; You can't imagine what happened next; Grrr I can't believe this, so my complaint to Steve Case I type

Can you believe this hype ??

My blood begins to boil, But my anger I contain I decide to read my mail And get this notice again

Now you may think I'm crazy, And right you are,but still;

To see that hourglass go 'round and 'round Just makes me want to kill !!

Oh I'm so upset by now, a break from this I take;

But first, I put on my lil patch Cause my addiction is not fake.

I can't stay away for very long, So I log back in and then, I'm no sooner in and what do I get ? The AOL boot again !!

That's it, that's all, I've had enough My online time is done.

Who was it that had told me, AOL was number one ??

Now, you may think this funny,But I assure you it is not.

If AOL wants to keep me, They best give it another shot !!