Recently, I ran a number of errands in the city.

Before leaving home, I carefully gathered a number of items I needed that day.

Seven stops later, when I reached into my pocket for the check book to pay for a purchase, it was gone.

I panicked! I called a neighbor asking him to look in our house to see if he could find it.

"I think I put it in my pocket.

I'm not sure I did.

I hope it's still in the house," I told the neighbor.

Finally, we found it--at home! Many people deal with the eternal destiny of their souls in a similar way.

Based on vague memories from the past about a religious upbringing or something they've done, they draw the conclusion that they'll one day go to heaven.

They think they'll go to heaven; they hope they will; some are even mistakenly sure of it.

But this issue of where we'll spend eternity is too grave an issue to not be absolutely certain-- and have a correct Biblical basis for our assurance.

Paul wrote, "I KNOW WHOM I HAVE BELIEVED, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day" (2 Tim 1:12 ).

Paul was absolutely certain that heaven was his eternal destiny because, apart from any merit of his own,he'd placed his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of his sins.

Where you'll spend eternity is NOT a think or hope so kind of issue.

You need to be absolutely sure you're going to heaven.

You can be, if you'll trust in Christ's death as the payment for your sins and your only hope.

John Fredrickson, Pastor