Meet the animal on the astral.

Ant - It is industrious.

Badger - Courage.

Bear - Watcher, guardian of the world, giver of great strength of body, courage and power of will.

Buffalo - Possesses great strength.

Cat - It is a good hunter and very independent.

Coyote - It is a crazy trickster bearing tidings of sacred mischief.

Crow - Justice.

Deer - Compassion

Dog - Loyalty.

Dolphin - Wise and happy, able to explore the great depths of emotions, friend to lovers of the sea.

Dragonfly - It can tell you how to break through illusions and how to gain power through dreams. It teaches higher aspirations. Imagination

Dragon - It is fiery, rich and knows the answers to many riddles.

Eagle - Rising, circling the Sun, his cry thrills the brave and panic the faint-hearted.

Fish - Graceful.

Hawk - All-seeing, soaring on the breast of the wind. Observation.

Horse - Freedom

Hummingbird - Fierce warrior, jewel of the gods, whose feathers bear love magic. Pleasure.

Lion - Emblem of royalty, symbol of the Sun. Courageous guardian protectors.

Lizard - Vision

Lynx - Keeper of secrets.

Mouse - It has an eye for details.

Owl - Wise watcher in the night, fate-seer, riddler, beloved by Athena. Silence.

Panther - A good protective animal.

Puma - Shaman's companion on journeys to the other worlds; spirit of grace and silent power.

Rabbit - Fertility

Raven - trickster, wise in oracles and omens, messenger and watcher for the gods. Mystery.

Snake - Transformation.

Spider - Fate

Stag - Lord of the forest, masculine power of regeneration, giver of bounty, beauty and mystical signs.

Swan - Guide into dream time.

Turtle - Shyness

Wolf - Pathfinder for the human spirit; heart of the wildness of the world. Knowledge.