Fact Or Fiction


Actress Jane Fonda has become a born-again Christian-Truth!

Visiting the site www.hungersite.com will help fight world hunger-Truth!

You don't have to give your Social Security number to a federal agency that asks for-Truth & Fiction!

The Smell of Rain," the inspirational story of a baby born prematurely in Texas-Truth!

The Rock Climber Who Lost a Contact Lens, Prayed, and it Was Found Being Carried by An Ant-Unproven!"God's Perfection," the story of Shaya, the learning-disabled boy who got to play in a baseball game-Truth!

The little African girl who prayed for a hot water bottle and a dolly for a gravely ill, premature baby-Truth!

British Airways Flight Attendant Turns the Tables on Racist Passenger-Unproven!

Presidential candida George W. Bush says he's a born-again Christian-Truth!

A tree in an Illinois cemetery seems to have an image of Jesus growing on its trunk-Truth!

It's not about sex, Mr. President," an open letter to Bill Clinton from a retired Army officer-Truth!

The Statement by a Tennessee High School Principal about Prayer at Football Games-Truth!

The Symbolism on the One Dollar Bill-Truth!

Vice President Al Gore Claimed to Have Been Involved in Creating the Internet-Truth!

The 57 Cents From a Little Girl that Built a Church, University, and hospital-Truth!

The Prayer that Stirred the Kansas State Legislature-Truth!

The glass of milk that paid for medical care-Truth!

Click the Pink Ribbon at Yahoo and Help Fight Breast Cancer-Truth!

Congressional Testimony of Darrell Scott, Father of a Columbine Shooting Victim-Truth!

Who Packs Your Parachute?-Truth!

The Story of Tommy, the Atheist Theology Student Who Was Found by God-Truth!

A Fourth-Grade Class In Riverton, Illinois Wants Your Emails-Truth!

The Son of a Slain Missionary Who Found Redemption at the End of the World-Truth!

Picture of a Surgeon Holding Hands With a 21-week Old Fetus-Truth!


Water:The Miracle Drug-Truth!

Who Knows? Maybe

The Young Man Who Felt God Led Him to Buy Milk and Led Him to a Family Who Needed It-Unproven!

Actor John Wayne becomes a Christian because of a note from the daughter of Dr. Robert Schuller-Unproven!

The Church Tablecloth That Reunited A Husband and Wife Separated by War-Unproven!

The dying baby girl who came back to health because of her brother's song-Unproven!

Letter from Sailor In the Middle East about the USS Cole-Unproven!

The man who got involved and saved his daughter's life-Unproven!

The cab driver and the terminally ill passenger-Unproven!

The African missionary who was protected from thieves by "26 armed guards"-Unproven!"

Before she was shot and killed, Columbine high school student Cassie Bernall said "yes" when asked by one of the gunmen about whether she believed in God-Unproven!"

The Price of a Miracle"- a little girl buys an operation for her brother with a dollar and eleven cents-Unproven!

Charles Darwin became a Christian on his deathbed-Unproven!

Police photographer captures film of an angel after an auto accident-Unproven


Cancer victim Craig Shergold wants everybody to send him business cards-Previously Truth!  Now Fiction!

The "Taps" military bugle tune came from a Confederate soldier whose body was discovered by his father, a Union soldier, during the Civil War Fiction!"

A lady who asked Neiman-Marcus for a cookie recipe got an enormous charge for it on her credit card...then publicized the recipe in revenge-Fiction!

Passengers on Alaska flight 261 were preached to and led in prayer by a pastor's wife before crashing off the coast of California-Fiction!

U.S. aircraft carrier and a lighthouse play game of chicken off Newfoundland-Fiction!

Woman who thought she was shot in the back of the head but was actually hit by an exploding biscuit-Fiction!

Clever groom unmasks unfaithful bride at the wedding reception-Fiction!

The "Newell Company is testing an "email tracker" and will send you money for forwarding emails-Fiction!

Forwarding emails about Victoria's Secret will get you a gift certificate-Fiction!

Atheist professor at USC is upstaged by God through a piece of chalk-Fiction!Al Gore gets his favorite Bible reference mixed-up-Fiction!

Mother bird sacrifices her life for her chicks iYellowstone fireMother bird sacrifices her life for her chicks in Yellowstone fire-Fiction!

NASA computers have found a missing day on the calendar, corresponding to the day the sun stood still in the book of Joshua in the Bible-Fiction!

Make-A-Wish foundation is offering donations to a critically ill little girl for forwarded emails about her-Fiction!

Free coke for forwarding emails about CokeFree coke for forwarding emails about Coke-Fiction!

Astronaut Neil Armstrong gives message from the moon to his former neighbor, Mr. Gorsky-Fiction!

AOL and Intel are merging and if forward an email about it to your friends, you'll be paid big money-Fiction!

Lady on an elevator is frightened by two black men who turn out to be celebrities. Fiction!

Bill Gates' High School Speech on The Eleven Rules of Life-Fiction!

The Day That Pilots From Coca-Cola And the Navy's Blue Angels Saved a Little Girl's Life-Fiction!

The story of the "Man Who Had No Face" is actually based on the life of Actor Mel Gibson-Fiction!

A fifteen-year-old boy collects $71,000 from a chain letter and you can too!-Fiction!

Leonardo di Vinci used the same model for both Christ and Judas in his painting of THE LAST SUPPER-Fiction!

Send an email to all your friends for GAP clothing and get a certificate for free products-Fiction!

The Saga of the Hotel Soap-Fiction!

A Young Student From India Has Proved Einstein Wrong and is Up For The Nobel Prize in Physics-Fiction!

The Rejection That Led to the Founding of Stanford University-Fiction!

Forward The Story About Maggie And the Abusive Boyfriend and You'll be Emailed The Mysterious Ending to the Story-Fiction!

Forward an Email for IBM and Get a Free Computer-Fiction!

Theologian Paul Tillich Upstaged by a Simple Preacher-Fiction!

Forward Emails to Help a Class Project for 2nd Graders in Caro, Michigan-Previously Truth!Now Fiction!

Forward an Email for Justin Mallory and He'll Get Contributions for his Epilepsy-Fiction!

Vigorous coughing can help during a heart attack-Fiction!

Six year old Fatima from Chicago needs surgery and forwarding emails to your friends will help pay for it-Fiction!

Winston Churchill's Father Paid For The Education of The Discoverer of Penicillin then, in turn, Winston Churchill's Life Was Later Saved by Penicillin-Fiction!

The dead woman who flagged down a motorist to save her baby-Fiction!

Forwarded email will pay for heart surgery for little Brian from Buenos Aires-Fiction!

Forward an email for Cracker Barrel and get a gift certificate in response-Fiction!

"Hands-Free" Cell Phones Will Be Required soon and you can buy one for $1-Fiction!

Little Antonia Foraker of Delight, West Virginia is seriously ill and will be helped if you forward emails about her-Fiction!

Little Jada was born prematurely, is in serious condition, and you can help by forwarding emails to pay for her medical costs-Fiction!

A children's hospital in Pittsburgh is offering money for forwarded emails about a sick boy-Fiction!

The American Cancer Society is donating money for forwarded email about a girl with cancer-Fiction!

Eighteen-year-old Jeff Deleon needs emails forwarded to pay for his medical care-Fiction!

Forward Emails to Help Pay For Cancer Treatment for 10-year-old Rachel-Fiction!

Young Cancer Victim Paige Lane wants emails sent to her- Fiction!

Seven year old Kalin from Alabama needs surgery and forwarding emails will help pay for medical costs-Fiction!

Little Tamara Martin is dying of cancer and your forwarded emails will help get support from the American Cancer Society for her treatment-Fiction!

"Slow Dance," a poem with a request for emails to be forwarded to help pay for treatment for a little girl with cancer-Fiction!

President-Elect George Bush Took Time From a Banquet to Help a Teen Become a Christian-Fiction!

The song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" is actually a catechism song of Christian doctrine-Fiction!

The Catholic Patron Saint of Elections is St. Chad-Fiction!

Forward emails for cancer victim Any Bruce-Fiction!

A fifth-grade class in Texas Wants Your Emails Previously Truth!-Now Fiction!

Get a $500 U.S. Savings Bond from Gerber baby foods as part of settlement from a lawsuit-Fiction!

The white star on the caps of Montblanc pens was designed by a Jew for a pen for Adolph Hitler-Fiction!

Forward Emails about OLD NAVY stores and get a free gift certificate-Fiction!

Death, poverty, and loss characterized the lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence-Truth! & Fiction!

Overpay a traffic ticket, then don't cash the refund check to keep it from going on your record-Fiction!

Forward an email to five people, receive $100 from www.iwon.com-Fiction!

Published Letter of Dick Cheney's View of the Military-Fiction!