Hump, Bunny & Oinker

Hump, Bunny and Oinker were excited over the announcement that they weren't on the menu for the children of Israel. From now on, their lives would be a lot happier. Or would they? As the three of them met at the watering hole to celebrate, a discussion arose about their new freedom. Hump began, "Let's drink to freedom!" Then he plunged his huge nose into the cool spring water and took a long drink. When Hump drank, the water in the spring evaporated fast.

Bunny spoke next, "I'll drink to that! It's a hoppy day for us all. Hoppy day, get it? It's a hoppy day.

"Hump started laughing as he drank and hosed down everyone. Bunny shook his wet, drooping ears and scolded, "Hump, cut it out. It wasn't all that funny."

Hump lowered his heavy eyelids and slobbered, "Sorry". Bunny continued, "Just think, we don't have to worry about winding up on a roasting stick or in a stew pot."

Oinker was noticeably silent. Hump said between gulps, "Come on, Oinker, have a drink to freedom and liberty but don't you dare jump in and start your rolling around." Oinker only stared at his reflection in the pool. "Come on Oinker, don't be a stick-in-the-mud," joked Bunny. Oinker grunted weakly, "You guys don't get it, do you? God has rejected us. We're not on the menu because God said we're unclean." Hump choked aloud, "Gulump," and said, "That's right, God did say that." Bunny, not to be disheartened, responded, "Well if that's how you feel, then let's go see old Hoots and ask for his wisdom about this whole thing."

So, the three took a long drink for the road and set off to find Hoots, the desert owl. They found him sitting, as usual, on a gnarled branch of his favorite bush. Bunny started, "We have come to you with a problem because we know you give a hoot"

Growing impatient with Bunny's silly jokes, Oinker interrupted, "Hoots, God has rejected us and we don't understand why." Hoots yawned but began his expected wisdom, "Relax, my dear Oinker. We are all part of God's creation. He said you were unclean because of the children of Israel.

You see, Oinker, they couldn't travel well with a whole herd of your kind. As for you, Bunny, if they had to chase your kind all over creation before dinner every night they would never reach the Promised Land.

My dear, dear Hump, if they ate you for lunch who would carry their cargo?

You see, each one of you was created for a special purpose and it wasn't to be a main dish or a sacrifice for the children of Israel. Let's consider Brother Bull and Sister Lamb. Let me be quite frank about them. It's true they are eligible for the sacrifices but let's face it, neither one of them are very intelligent.

We are created with strengths and weaknesses but God creates us for His usefulness.

Hump, someday, great artists will use your camel hair for brushes to paint the world's finest masterpieces.

Bunny, your fur will warm children in the freezing winter.

Oinker, you will become very popular on many other menus and your hair bristles will be fashioned into brushes to groom kings and queens. You will be so useful in many ways that it will be said the only part of you thrown away is your squeal.

Now I hope you can see that you all have a specific part in God's plan. You should feel very glad and very special that He has created you to be you!" With that, old Hoots breathed a deep sigh, closed his big eyes, and went back to sleep.

Hump, Bunny, and Oinker quietly tiptoed away without another word. Now they knew why God created them and how they were part of God's plan. And as Bunny would say, "They lived hoppily ever after."