That Name Jesus

"Let me hear in the morning of thy steadfast love, for in thee I put my trust." Psalms 143: 8


The name of God in times of sorrow,

will bring comfort to the heart.

It can cause the vilest sinner to have

a brand new start.

It brings peace in times of trouble

when clouds come rolling in.

Turns the hardest person's heart

and changes them within.

Can bring hope to the hopeless

to cause faith to rise again.

His name can take an enemy,

and turn them to a friend.

So please think on this dear friend.

when these things do appear.

Just let not your heart be troubled

and don't be filled with fear.

That name can place joy within us,

and a peace so sweet and dear.

For His name is love toward us,

and He is always standing near.

The house of prayer is no farther away

Than that special place where you kneel to pray.

For your heart is the temple when God is there.

As you place yourself in his loving care.

Knowing this, any place you chose to pray you can always be sure that God will be there,

to share all your sorrows and all of your cares.


"I bow down toward thy holy temple and give thanks to thy name for thy steadfast love and thy faithfulness;  for thou has exalted above everything thy name and thy word." Psalms 138: 2