When We Need Love The Most

A university instructor posed a riddle to her graduate education class.

"What has four legs and leaves?"

She asked, hoping the students would realize that by considering alternative meanings to the words "legs" and "leaves" that they could arrive at the solution a table.

However, one woman unexpectedly answered, "My last two boyfriends."

Maybe you can relate.

People will leave relationships for any number of reasons and sometimes they should, for not every friendship has a healthy future.

Some well-intentioned people come together in heat and passion and all that is left of the union when the fire goes out is a pile of ashes.

Others bring along so many destructive problems and behaviors that a happy relationship has no chance of long-term survival.

But what about when friends, lovers or family bolt from the relationship at just the wrong time?

After all, those we want to love are not always "lovable" or easy to get along with!

Is a temporary lapse into craziness reason enough to run?

Author John Gray sometimes tells about a young mother who asked her visiting brother to get her some pain pills.

He forgot and, when her husband returned home, she was upset and in pain more than a bit crazy.

He experienced her anger as a personal assault and exploded in defense.

They exchanged harsh words and he headed for the door.

His wife said, "Stop, don't leave.

This is when I need you the most!

I'm in pain.

I've had no sleep.

Please listen.

You are a fair-weather friend.

If I'm sweet, you're okay; but if I'm not, out you go!"

And then tearfully, and more subdued, she said, "I'm in pain.

I have nothing to give.

Please hold me.

Don't speak just hold me."

He held her and neither spoke until she thanked him for being there.

It is easy to love those who are at their best.

But it is during those times we are unlovable that we may need love the most.

And what a beautiful thing when we get it.

And even more beautiful when we find the grace to give it.

~~author unknown~~