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Rose Y Angel Rose

Angel Heart Title Angel Heart
I can still remember the first day we met

online that's the day I'll never forget

We talked, laughed and even grinned

And now you've become my angel of a friend

Rose Bar

Everyday I awake, I look forward to

That special e-mail sent by you

Letting me know that you're alright

And you made it safely through another night

Rose Bar

I truthfully don't know what I would do

If you weren't there for me to turn to

More than a helping hand you graciously lend

I am so thankful for you, my angel of a friend

Rose Bar

It would be nice to see your smiling face

It's through our keyboards that we touch base

With each other till another day's end

You've given me so much, my angel of a friend

Rose Bar

If not for you, my pages would be mostly bare

You have filled them with love and special care

You have given all your time to help with mine

while your's have been set aside and left behind

Rose Bar

Staying up late at night making sure all is right

Before we go off line and turn off that little light

I wonder which card of thanks to you I'll send

Yes from my heart I have written with pen

This special poem for you, my angel of a friend

Written By:

© 04-12-00

Enjoy More of My Original

"Poetry of Love & Lyrics"




Rose Angel Angel Branch Linda Award Angel Branch Angel Rose

This page is dedicated to Linda aka jammsGram.

Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart

I couldn't have done it without you!

God Bless You : o)



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