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Copyright Info

Society is the property Walrus pictures and Republic Pictures Home Video.

Janet Jackson's "Alright" is the property of A&M video and JDJ Entertainment.

Newsies is the property of the Walt Disney Company.

Encino Man is the property of Hollywood Pictures.

Roundhouse is the property of MTV Networks and Rebel Entertainment.

Mark David is his own property.

In short I own none of these things.  I am not making any money of this site.  I am a lowly college student with no money.  I guess you could sue me for my computer but I hope you use it to put the a site of the same quality up for the fan's to enjoy.  I really wish you didn't though, I enjoy doing this.  That's the only reason why I'm doing it.  I have no one's permission to do this, except for the original owners of the pictures on the site.  Mark David has not given me permission to do this either, although I hope if he ever saw the site he would.

All photos and sound clips on the site are the property of the original owners.  They are listed near the links and you'll have to contact them for any copyrights.  Anything that I specifically say is mine on the site and does not come with any links to anyone else nor any MAD logo (which I only put on other peoples property) is yours for the taking.  I believe in the freedom of the internet, go ahead...steal.  Have fun..have a ball.  I'd appreciate if you didn't take any of the written information on the site though, ie. my personal opinions and such.  I own my opinions..that's about it.  Danke.


questions or comments to magellica.