Welcome to the
Dazzling Grrls Webring

The Dazzling Grrls Webring is for womyn of all
walks of life who dazzle 'em everytime.
Mothers, daughters, black, white, young, old,
straight or lesbian, pagan or christian
...it doesnt matter. So if you have a website
that you think is truly dazzling, join
this webring today!

How to join the Dazzling Grrls Webring

After you have filled out the site submission form
your website will be added to the query to be reviewed by the webmistress.
If your site is excepted you will recieve the HTML code or navigation bar for this webring to add to your website.
If the code is not pasted on your website within 15 days, your website will be deleted from the ring.
Please be sure to upload images to your own files. Do not link to my image server!

*Sites with pornography, slander, or hateful content will not be added to the ring

When you recieve the email with your site ID and password information on it
please keep the information in a safe place, the webmistress will not
be able to retrieve your password if you forget it, and you will
need it if you ever want to manage your account.

Fill out the submission form HERE

Your completed HTML fragment should look like one of these:

This Dazzling Grrls webring
is owned by
your name

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