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Aloha Productions Presents...

Children have very active outdoor lifestyles.  Whether they are swimming at the beach or playing in the park, children need protection from the sun's harsh rays every day.

Since most serious sun damage occurs before the age of eighteen, Hawaiian Tropic understands the importance of keeping children protected.  Daily use of a sun protection product with an SPF of 15 or above can significantly reduce the potential health risks associated with overexposure to the sun.

Hawaiian Tropic's Just For Kids and Baby Faces Sunblocks are specifically formulated with children's delicate skin in mind.  These hypoallergenic formulas contain substantially less chemical sunscreen ingredients than before and are clinically proven to be as mild as water.  They also provide all day waterproof UVA and UVB sunburn protection.

To protect such vulnerable areas as the lips, ears and below the eyes, use Hawaiian Tropic 45 Plus Lip Balm in cherry, mint, or original tropical flavor.

Be Sun Smart!


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