Florida Newspapers
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Florida Newspapers

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The Orlando Sentinel

Letters to the Editor
The Orlando Sentinel
633 N. Orange Ave.
Orlando, FL 32801-1349
General: 407-420-5411
Email for letters to editor: insight@orlandosentinel.com
Fax for letters to editor: 407-420-5286
150 words or less need both daytime & nighttime phone nos
with name and address
Submit an article for the "My Word" feature at the same addresses and numbers.
"My Word" is an opinion piece of approx. 500 words
Press release fax: 1-900-288-NEWS (minimum 2.00 charge billed to sender's phone)
Managing editor: Jane Healy
Assoc. managing editor: William B. Dunn
Editorial pages editor: Manning Pynn

The Miami Herald

The Readers' Forum
The Miami Herald
1 Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132-1693
General: 305-350-2111
Email for letters to editor: HeraldEd@herald.com
Fax for letters to editor: 305-376-8950
Managing editor: Larry Olmstead
Editorial pages editor: Tom Fiedler
Executive editor: Martin Baron

The Florida Times-Union

Letters From Readers
The Florida Times-Union
P.O. Box 1949
Jacksonville, FL 32231
General: 904-359-4111
Need both work and home phone number
with name and address for letters to ed
Email for letters to editor: tuletter@jacksonville.com
Fax for letters to editor: 904-359-4090
Complaints about factual accuracy, fairness and completeness:
write or call reader's advocate Mike Clark, 904-359-4217, email: ?
General manager: Robert E. Martin
Editorial page editor: Lloyd Brown
Editor: Patrick A Yack
Managing Editor: Michael Richey

The Tribune

Letters to The Tribune
P.O. Box 191
Tampa, FL 33601-4005
Email for letters to editor: tribletters@tampatrib.com
Fax for letters to editor: 813-259-8080
Managing editor: S. Bruce Witwer
Editorial page editor: Edwin A. Roberts, Jr.


Letters to the Editor
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Letters policy is not to publish repeat letters
from the same reader for 60 days
Email for letters to editor: letters@sun-sentinel.com
Fax for letters to editor: 954-356-4624
Managing editor: Ellen Soeteber
Editorial page editor: Kingsley Guy, 954-356-4616
Executive news editor: Kurt Franck, 954-356-4569
News editor: Rick Robb, 954-356-4681

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