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Sisters' ads ages 18-24

added May 2, 01

name = MuMinah

from =

state = FL

country = USA

gender = Female

age = 23

nationality = American

last degree completed =

occupation = Nurse

hieght = 5'8"

weight =

marital status = divorced

children =

residential status = citizen

Well to be honest I am picky a little bit . I want a man that is a good muslim and PRACTICES his religion..I also want someone nice looking and that has goals for himself and for his family. I want to have a strong islamic familly..Insha'Allah ..I reverted to islam when i was 18 yrs old and i love islam...I read all the time about islam on the internet and in books..Really to be honest I am looking for a nice Arabic muslim who is willing to make a life with me and raise our children strong in islam..Please email me if u find me interesting and want to get to know me ..salaam alaikuum ra7matullah wa barakatu
