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Brothers' ads ages 25-30

Added May 2, 01

name = R. G.

phone = 973-497-2382

country = usa

gender = male

age = 25

nationality = puerto rican

last degree completed = high school

occupation = man. test op.

hieght = 5'7

weight = 141

marital status = single

children = 0

residential status = citizen

assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu, Im looking for a sister who is practicing her Islam according to the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet(saws). She must wear her hijab, niqab...etc...fully covered! Someone who is appreciative of the smallest things her husband does for her. The sister must recognize that everything in this world is a test for mankind from Allah subhana wa ta'ala. A degree, millions of dollar, new cars, clothes can not buy you a free ride into Jannah. Someone who knows her role as a Muslimah...and fears Allah in a manner that Allah(swt) deserves to be feared. A friend and a companion...Jazakallahu Khairan!

name = F. K.

from =

country = USA

gender = Male

age = 25

nationality = Pakistani

last degree completed = bachelors

occupation = Project Coordinator

hieght = 5'10"

weight = 160

marital status = single

children = 0

residential status = Citizen

Im looking for a good women who is not only religious and cultural but also should be a little modern. I dont really care if you terribly educated, if you can handle yourself in society you are fine. Im into many different things and would like someone who can compliment my style. I come from a very good family and would like someone to fit right into our happy little world
