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Sisters' ads ages 25-30

Added on November 7, 2000

Gender: female

Age: 28

City: Spring Hill

State: Fl.

Country: USA

Origin: SYRIA

Status: Divorced

Description: salam, I am 28, originally from Syria, but lived in America all my life. I am divorced from a marriage i was put into at the age of 14 to 30 year old man, it ended because difference of mentality and age. I have 3 children, two girls and boy. The young boy and girl are living with father right now in california he old girl is living with me. I currently live in Florida close to my parents. Living close to my parents has helped me tremendously will my well being and my children's as well. I thank Allah for this blessing. Currently, i work as an office manager and medical assistant at my dad's medical practice. I am also a senior in the university studying biology education. I have also finished three years of fashion design. I am 5'6", hazel-green eyes, dark brown hair and wear a hajib. Alhamdolilah, i am found attractive by people. I am sincere , humble, loving, social and open-minded. If intereste please email me at this email address salam , may
