I am preparing to embark on the prospect of making money on the web.  I will keep this journal in order to help others begin their journey.  I am not an expert or even that knowledgeable about computers.  Most of what I learned about computers was self taught.  In most of those cases, I did it because I could not get a game to run, or I was fixing my computer because I screwed something up.  As I type this, I am not even sure that I will be able to post this to my web sight.

The first step on my journey was to come up with a way to earn a little money on the web.  I had to come up with ideas for web pages that would interest other people to come and visit.  My first thought was to establish some type of porn page.  They are money makers, but I chose not to take that avenue.  In doing a little research about making money on the web, I could not find a sight that really explained the process.  I may not be able to explain the process, but you may be able to learn a little from my successes and failures.  I intend to expand this page as much as time permits me. 

I then had to figure out how much money I wanted to make.  I am realistic and know that I am not going to become a millionaire in a year.  If I can make a $100.00 a month, that will exceed my expectations.  I do not have the knowledge, time, or patience to devote to web sights.  This is a learning experience for me and I will take what I can get.

I then had to find a place for web sight.  My web server charges more for a commercial sight, and I had problems finding a definition of commercial.  Sure, commercial means to "make money", but was there a limit?  When I spoke to one of the system operators, he said it would be determined on the number of hits you get.  This is all foreign to me, so I searched for a different route.  What I found was Angelfire.  They provide you space for your web sight and post some advertisements of their own.  I'll let you know how it works out.

Finally, I started getting content for my pages. (or will start-I am writing this as content)

Wish me luck-
MAD 10/27/99

Well, it's late Friday night and I have a few postings on my sight.  My next step is to get it out there on the search engines.  I have not yet researched that aspect, I'll let you know how it turns out.-MAD 10/29/99

I have added my page to a few different search engines out there.  What I did not know was that your page is not automatically entered and ready to go.  They research your page in order to ensure that it is getting properly placed within their engine.  So I have taken this time to further tweak my page.  If you already have a web page and want to add a couple of banners in order to make money, go to my associates page.  Register for a free associate program, link a banner that they provide to their site, and start earning commissions off of sales generated from your site.   The associate programs I feature on this site are free to join and they do not have restrictions.  While attempting to join a variety of associate programs, many of them required a waiting period while they "investigated" your site, or you had to have so many hits a day.  The latter was more prevalent in the click through programs.  Which brings to me to another beast.  The click through programs.  I just don't know about these.  I don't want to entice someone to leave my site before they have read any content, just in order to earn .05c a click.  And .05c a click is one of the higher payoffs.  I will probably develop a page for these and see how it turns out.  But I am in no hurry to do so.

Well, I guess I'll spend my weekend developing a couple of new web pages that I have in mind.  If nothing else, starting up this page has already allowed me to think of other ideas.
-MAD 11/05/99

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