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uniform uniform INTRODUCTION
uniform uniform

Insignia must be considered in the context of the uniforms on which they were worn. The uniforms worn by members of the United States Armed Forces have evolved in a continuous line from the original ones worn at the establishment of the various services. These uniforms were prescribed in a series of regulations that describe their appearance and often the manner in which they are to be worn. Certain regulations stand out as making revolutionary changes and drastically altering uniforms. Others make only minor changes. A number of different uniforms were available to wear during the period of the Second World War. Certain uniforms were prescribed for officers and others for enlisted personnel. Some were for male and others female personnel. Some uniforms were for use in garrison and others for use in the field. Some uniform items were intended for special categories of troops: tankers, air force, airborne, etc. The insignia displayed on uniforms was determined by the uniforms functional requirements. A service uniform worn at a formal occasion would have more insignia than one worn in the field. I will not try to give a comprehensive discussion of uniforms but will show some examples.

U.S. Army

Period Photographs

Uniform Buttons

U.S. Navy

Period Photographs

Uniform Buttons

U.S. Marine Corps

Uniform Buttons

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