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American Military Patches, Other Insignia and Decorations of World War Two by Dr. Howard G. Lanham c.2000

Key for Identification of Shoulder Sleeve Insignia of World War Two

Complex Designs

Shields lacking letters or numbers but having an Inanimate Object

Possible Matches: U.S. Army

XIIth Corps XIVth Corps XVIth Corps 6th AB Division 18th AB Division
XIIth Army Corps XIVth Army Corps XVInd Army Corps 6th Airborne Division
18th Airborne Division
65th Division 76th Division 79th Division 97th Division 99th Division
65th Division 76th Division 79th Division 97th Division 99th Division
Americal Division 2nd Cav. Division 99th Infantry Bn. SHAEF Antilles Dept.
Americal Division 2nd Cavalry Division 99th Infantry Bn. SHAEF (1) Antilles Dept.
Eastern Defense Com. Airborne Command USMA China Burma India Chinese Training Com.
Eastern Defense Com. Airborne Command U.S. Military Academy China Burma India Chinese Training Com.
Persian Gulf Service Com. European Civil Affairs Port of Embarkation Field Artillery School 4025th SSG
Persian Gulf Service Com. European Civil Affairs Port of Embarkation Field Artillery School 4025th Signal Service Group
474th AAA
474th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn.

Possible Matches: U.S. Marine Corps

First Marine Amphibious Corps
1st Amphibious Corps Barrage Balloon Sq Defense Bn halftrack Parachute Bn
First Amphibious Corps Barrage Balloon Sq Defense Battalions Half-Track Parachute Battalions
Raiders Supply Service
Raider Battalions Supply Service

  1. SHAEF is the Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force

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