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American Military Patches, Other Insignia and Decorations of World War Two by Dr. Howard G. Lanham c.2000

Key for Identification of Shoulder Sleeve Insignia of World War Two

Complex Designs

Tabs, Arcs, Scrolls, etc.

Possible Matches: U.S. Army

42nd Division 91st Chemical Mortar 6th Ranger Battalion
42ndDivision 91stChemical Mortar Bn. 6thRanger Bn.
Blue Airborne Black Airborne Red Airborne Mountain
Blue Airborne Black Airborne Red Airborne Mountain
473rd Infantry Regt. Camp Shows 509th Parachute Infantry
473rdInfantry Regiment Camp Shows 509thParachute
Infantry Regiment
679th TD Bn
679thTank Destroyer Bn.

Airforce Command Arcs

There are a series of arcs with various letters that were approved during the Second World War or just afterwards for various Army Air Force components.

Air Transport Command
ITCC ATSC proving ground training
I Troop Carrier Command Air Technical Service Command Proving Ground Command Training Command

Possible Matches: U.S. Marine Corps


Cape Gloucester

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