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Of Cars

Want to show off your ride? Post it here! I am accepting any and all American Classic car Photos, for display...see details below....

Welcome to this thing that I call a website. I am always working on this site, and I am never finished, so maybe you should have yourself come back sometime and pay a visit. This site was started in November 2000. Make sure you sign the guestbook on your way out. Fill out all you can in the guestbook signing, its not that hard, and not demanding. Thanks for visiting.

Got Muscle?
Comming Soon:I am asking all owners of American Muscle Cars to send in a picture of their ride. Any make or model will be accepted as long as it is American. Along with each post I will post your Name email, and/or website (as long as permitted, you may choose to not reveal this information). If I do not currently have a location for your vehicle, one will be created.

To send a picture of your vehicle in one of three methods.

-Email it to me as an attachment, along with it's discription, and any other information you wish to have posted, to

-Snail Mail- Send email to requesting postal address.

-Email your homepage URL featuring your car, to

I eventually hope to have a data base set up for posting your Car.

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