This is our school (put in a picture of your school above, and change
this caption with the name of your school)
At the Club we have fun and learn on the computer
we learned how to make cool pictures with Adobe PhotoDeluxe
this one was taken of our computer lab and then we used the special effect Wind
We took this picture using a Sony Mavica camera with the special effect of Solarize
We used the computers a lot to do our activities, we worked in pairs and groups to create really cool products!
We also learned a lot about authors, web pages, internet safety, and some of us even got our
Safe Surfing Permit, and Safe Surfin Driver's License!
Some of our favorite links we saw were:
- link one
- link two
- link three
- link four
If you want to contact our teacher to learn more, please feel free to email
C.L.A.S.S. Club is brought to you in part by the generous support of:
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