Ode To Chick Music

Don't believe in them, but I had to adopt one while I was there. Just seem like a nice feminist picture, and this seems like a nice feminist page.

(This is a lil page I dedicated to my fave female musicians. Sorry no Jewel or Indigo Girls here, I hate folk music.)

Tori Amos

Tori Amos is one of my favorite singers (male or female), but I must confess I haven't been listening to Tori Amos for very long (about a year now). A penpal of mine sent me a mixed tape with Tori Amos on it, and I thought her music was awesome. I'm not a Tori freak, even though I have five of her single (this is mainly because she's one of the only artist I listen to out there that make singles). I don't know too much about her life. The thing I probably like the most about her music is her weird lyrics. No body else writes like her. Uniquely Tori Amos. Her lyrics are definitely out there, but that's what make them so cool.

Fiona Apple

I'm not sure why I like Fiona Apple's music. I guess I like it because the music is sort of bluesy, but not really. Also Fiona Apple's music is fun (but hard) to sing along to. It's neat how she's able to throw her voice around ever which way. I think I'd learn more big words from one Fiona Apple song, than I do in one year of school.


I love Hole. They are my favorite chick band, and were my favorite band in the 11th grade. My admiration of this band is the closest I've gotten to celeb obsession since the 6th grade. My hole collection is made up of 7 hole cds, (listed in the order of best to worst) "Live Through This," "Celebrity Skin," "My Body the Hand Grenade," "Malibu" (a single), "Pretty on the Inside," "Asking For It," and "the First Session." Hopefuly they will record a new album soon. Last I heard, they were suppose to start recording in Oct. 2000. But who knows.

Why do I like Hole? Not too many females have done what Courtney has done, and sounded good. Most female musician are soft and easy going with there music, even when they are angry (can any one say "Sarah McLachlan?"). When Courtney's angry she lets everyone know it. Even on Hole's newest, and most mellow cd, "Celebrity Skin," it's still there. I also admire her strength. She has been through so much, from from being passed around from parent to parent (and sometimes family friends or ex-steps) when she was a child, to her husband's death. I personaly don't believe Courtney killed Kurt, but if you do, good for you. I also agree with most American's about Courtney being a slut. She is , but so are the other 99.9% of celebrities. They are just as sluty as she, Courtney's just known for it, that's all.