Mood: mischievious
This weekend was suppose to be a 3 day weekend for me because the holiday falls on a Monday. Well Bush declared Tuesday a National Day of Mourning in honor of President Ford. Which means my office will be closed. I got all excited thinking I could travel up to Danbury to go hiking but quickly realized I would be the one on call so I have to stay close to home. Oh well....4 DAYS OFF!!!!! Whoo Hoo. I know I should be mourning the loss of Ford and not thinking about going hiking but as we established in the last entry...I am already going to hell. I will be sliding into the grave sideways with a chocolate bar in one hand and a martini in the other yelling 'WooHoo! What a ride!'"
When I die. I don't want a big somber funeral. i want to be cremated, bag pipes playing "Caoineadh Cu Chulainnat" at some point, and a HUGE kiss ass party. I then want my family and friends to decide on the perfect place to dump my ashes and be done with it. I want people to remember me and laugh. Like the time I sucked a dress up into the vacuum cleaner or the time I came out of the bathroom with the back of my skirt tucked up in my underwear, exposing my white granny panties to the world. Life should be celebrated not mourned.
Okay off the death kick now...LOL
I hope everyone has a great weekend. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!