A couple of important point shave been raised in recent times by a few people, so I ahve attempted to respond to those points in as fair and objective a way as possible.
Why does the Tank Top Triumvirate seem to be composed almost entirely of males? A lady recently asked (actually criticised) the fact that the page seemed to be based on the concept of patriarchal rule. I would like to point out that the idea of the Church was germinated and nutured in an area that predominately comprises work of the manual labour type, and that in our workplace women were trying everything in their power to avoid going to that area when required. I personally would like nothing more than to geet some female input into this Church but as they seem to think that doing such work is beneath them (whatever happened to equality between the sexes?) we have been unable to so far.
What is being done to keep the CHurch up to date with modern influences? We here at the Church of Yad believe with some measure of hope that our Church is of such a broad and generous nature that its principles will exist throughout the ages. However in the interests of keeping people active members and striving for that sunbathing or daydreaming experience, we intend to put out the occasional message to the devoted regarding factors that are inmportant in our lvies, such as appropriate swear words for the Chosen and the meaning of life according to Yad.