Departments in/on my site.
Updated October-4th-2000
Welcome all fellow misties!!! On this page I will have Bot building info, pics, some sounds(maybe), and some other things. If there are any errors on this page tell me alas I am only 15 and some times kids screw up. Be sure and look at the links at the bottom of the page.
11/5/00-Adding a comedy song about bill clinton called bimbo #5.Click to download this mp3It will take you to a menu that says "Driveway" on it on the right hand side there is a box that says "download" click it and it will download. Return to this page by clicking "back" on your internet browser. More downloads soon to come on the Downloads Page.
11/3/00-Well I got my computer fixed finally. Um Im gonna expand this page over time because you all know that Mst3k is going bye bye I'm moving on however I will continue to update it but not as often I dont get many visitors anyway - tell your friends about this site!!! Hmmmm, how about I put some true but dumb laws on this page!!!! yay!
10/4/00-CALLING ALL HACKERS: need assistance, some of the regular visiters might notice this page hasen't been updated in a while... here's why one day I was on an mp3 community known as Imesh (simular to napster) while I was downloading the song Alimony by Weird Al and the person I as cownloading it from fried my Video card my computer will not work without it ?duh?. any way his user name on Imesh is : CrispyChicken. "Your mission, should you choose to accept it ,search this user find any information you can and email it to me. Maybe I will file a destruction of property report (as if that would help, me and the other 4 million people with hacked computers) so just kill his computer blow out his hard drive or something or even better blow out HIS video card. I miss my piece of crap computer now I have to use my mom's fiance's stupid Gateway or a nameless library computer. My computer was too young to die *sniffle*.
8/31/00-Added September's Schedule
8/8/00-Not much just added a few things.
8/3/00-Added some links to online shopping I earn commision if you buy from any of them. Check em out at the bottom of the page.
8/01/00-Any one that comes here please please use the search engine ant the bottom frequently I earn money every time you do , for reasons I cannot say I am unable to get a job and this is the only way I can earn money. Be a sport and help put a fellow mistie through college.
7/29/00-Added a profile page about me.
Click here to learn more about me.
7/28/00-No new business except that I've been emailing some people to try to expand my tape collection. Ive been trying to find a webpage service that is better than angelfire still looking,,,, any suggestions email me at or, or since I havent been getting much email lately email both addresses. But seriously I am looking for 313:earth vs the spider , 416 fire maidens from outer space and 418 eye creatures I can pay $6 per episode email me.
7/18/00-Hey whats up people? I moved to Western Maryland so I havent been able to get on the computer much. My mom recently got engaged to her boyfriend. Other than that nothing interesting has happened.,,,,,Oh wait I went fishing, my first fish was a 7in Blue Gill my second was a 13in Small Mouth Bass (yummy) the other fish I caught were just little insignifigant blue gills.
4/29/00-Well I will continue to update this page for as long as I can bare it or until I die which ever comes first. My 15th birthday is coming up (May 30) I would appreciate it if you guys would be nice enough to tell two friends about the show and about my site so your two friends will tell two friends and they will tell two friends and so on and so on. Ummm,,, I will be moving soon (May 9th) Destination unknown its an adventure err umm moving on...... Any suggestions on how I can improve my page? Let me know I think I will start working on a new project maybe a site for the Late Show with David Letterman yet another unknown thing I'll do something during May. Umm Peace Out!
1/8/00 Well it looks like the decision is final MST is finally going to come to an end (tear) those losers at scifi channel just don't know a good tv show when they see one. Well I will really miss those robots.
Well, for those idiots that just showed up here not knowing what Mst is I will tell you. It has been on for ten years everybody should have seen or heard about it ant least once. Mst is a show about a man in space who is forced to watch bad movies. He tries to keep his sanity with the help of his robot friends. The show comes on the Sci-fi channel at 9:00am on Saturdays.The show has been on Ten years if you don't know about the show yet give me a call I'll hit you on the head with a hammer because you are a retard.
Click to go to the downloads page
Crow T. Robot- Crow is another robot who participates in watching movies he is what most would call a "wisecracker" he is played by Bill Corbett. He used to be played by Trace Beaureu who played as Dr. Forrestor (Ktma-Season 7).
Gypsy-Gypsy is the only robot that dosent watch movies she runs the ship her voice is done by Jim mallon.
Peanut-Another stupid monkey no longer on the series played by Mike Nelson.
Click here to go to my bot building page
Well a little bit of news this weekend on Sept 6 I got a Gumball machine to make Tom Servo. I am very proud because this is the first piece I have purchased in my quest to build the robots. On Friday Sept. 17 I got a pretzel barrel for Tom its a little big my plan is to practice on it before I order a replica money lovers barrel from Gary Glover I recommend you do the same I got it in Superdeal isle at Giant Food Market.
These are some email addresses of people who sell bot building parts:>>This guy has Money Lovers Barrel Banks for $50 nessasary to make Tom Servo.>> This guy has lots of Tom and Crow parts for sale. Goto Ed's site Ed
Click here to go to the episode list
Due to my parents divorce I have lost most of the episodes I had. Thats why I would like to buy some recorded episodes from anyone that has some how ever for a recorded episode I will pay no more than $6 an episode, that includes shipping costs. Please help me out and email me and tell me what you have for sale.
1.My mother for replacing my old computer which was fried in a thunderstorm.
2.Joel Hodgson and Jim Mallon for first coming up with the show and making me into a "slave fan".
3.My sister for leaving me alone for 5 min. so I could make this page.
Angelfire for having a great web page builder or whatever you call it.
And anyone else I forgot
Elvis (youve been no help at all thanx alot)I cant eve remember your last name!!!
Anybody who visits this page(but your all still cool)