- Special Beam Cannon- 100Mp 100damage
- Kamehameha- 50MP 50damage
- Destructo Disk- 100Mp 100damage
- Arm Growth- 40Mp 40damage
- Dragon Fist- 200Mp 200damage
- Spirit Bomb- 300Mp 300damage
- Kaion Ken- 150Mp make one move double damage but ya have to add in moves mp to!
- Gallic Gun- 200Mp 200damage
- Time Freeze- 150Mp make player that is fighting you lose one turn
- Triangle Technique- 50Mp 50damage
- Tsu u Beam- 150Mp 150damage
- Solar Flare- 200Mp takes one turn away for player your fighting
- Final Flash- 100Mp 100damage
- Spilt Form- 100Mp makes one copy of you thats one half your power level and MP
- Tri Form- 150Mp makes 2 copys of you thats has a power level of half yours and MP
- Laser eyes- 50Mp 50damage
- Mouth Blast- 200Mp 200damage
- Moon Blast- 150Mp has the power to make a sayin transform
- Triple Strike- 200Mp 200damage
- Casher Ball- 250Mp 250damage
- Heal- 350Mp to heal a person back to health
- Kick- 20damage
- Punch- 20damage
- Jump Kick- 30damage
- Uppercut- 35damage
- Death Ball- 400Mp 400damage
- 4 way Kamehameha- 450Mp 450damage
- Hell Flare 250mp 250damage
- Fire Kick 250Mp 250damage
- Death Ball 400Mp 400 damage
- Double Blast can attack two people with one attack 100mp to do 100damgae to one perosn 100 damage to a different person
- Fury Strike 300Mp 300 damage
- Yama lock 0Mp 50damage
- Power Up does damage to you but also to the other perosn ex.) Power up Special Beam Cannon 200 Charage up to 300 it takes 300 damage to opponet 100 damage to self takes 200Mp
- Body Growth 550 Mp 550damage
- Red Round Kick 500 Mp 500damage
- Power Thrust 300 Mp 300 damage
- Self Destruct damge PL adn Mp added together Ex.) 800PL 200MP 1000damage user dies!!!
- Hammer Blow 0mp 60damage
- Yardrat Blast 400Mp 400 damage
- Super Speed 400Mp 400damage
- Dragon Kick 450 Mp 450 damage
- Mega Flare 480 Mp 480 damage
- Big Bang Attack 350Mp 350 damage
- Blocking Kamehameha takes amount of MP to block ex.) to block Laser Eyes takes 50mp
- Beat Down 0MP 100damage only once a fight
- Speed burst 50 damage to self up speed 1 for your turn
- Fear If yours PL is 2x the person you are fighting they miss one turn but you can only get one attack May only be used 2 x the fight
- Searct Power unlocked by guru do that then I will tell you what yours is
- Called Shot only can be done to arms the attack ony does half damage. Arm must be hit twice. Only can use attack 2 times a fight If arm is lost -1 to speed
- Freeza D Disc- Takes all MP 2000 damage *Can not be a started move
- Rage- 700damgae 700MP
- Freeza Ball- 1000damage 1000MP (may blow up a plant takes 2000MP)
- Hammer Blow- 0MP 60damage
- Inprisoment Ball- 600damage 700MP (Makes person facing miss next turn)
- Keep your eye on the birde- 50damage 540MP ( After first time done if you wish each turn the person you are facing loses 50pl but it takes 50 MP to do)
- Fusion Dance- For one battle you and anyone may fuse
- Energy Drain- 0Mp 200damage give android back 200Mp and 200PL (May only be done 2 times a battle)
- Fake- 0mp 0pl take away 200damage from the attack you opponet justed used
- Hit- 0mp 40damage
- Power Kick- 200mp 400damage
- Anger-200mp ups pl 200 for one fight