Tori: Too Hot For Kane

Last Updated:  Sunday, Feb. 20, 2000 9:23 AM Eastern Currently 173 images of Tori

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Kane Is Out Of Control!!

2/20: Added 46 new Tori pics in gallery three!!

2/11 Smackdown: Who's going to stop Kane? On Smackdown Kane got his sweet revenge with his ex-love Tori by giving her a Tombstone!! What's with all the recent domestic violence towards the women of the WWF? First Terri Runnels, then Mae Young (which as kind of funny), poor BB, who earlier in the night was powerbombed by The Dudleys, and now of course, Tori. I wonder if Stephanie will join the list, it'd be interesting to see her take a bump!! Why'd Kane have to hurt Tori that way, that was mean! I know she turned her back on him, but he doesn't have to hurt her.

Accompanied by their ladies, Triple H and X-Pac made their way to the ring to take on Kane in a handicap contest. The battle quickly moved to the outside, as X-Pac and Kane went at it in the crowd. Back in the squared circle, Triple H took control. The D-Generates did everything possible, but could not slow down the Big Red Machine. A chair shot from Triple H couldn’t even keep Kane down, but it did earn him a disqualification. Turning the tables after the bell, the seven-footer slammed the WWF Champion with the same chair and was about to do the same to X-Pac when Tori intervened. At first, Kane snatched her neck as if he were going to send her up for the chokeslam. He soon let her go, only to grab her again and delivered Tombstone Piledriver! Blind with passion, Kane is unstoppable! I vidcap images from the entire Smackdown so it'll include ones on some of the other superstars such as The Dudleys. 119 total images.

Kane Returns!!

2/7 Raw: To conclude a fantastic Raw, Kane returned in grand fashion. In the final match of the evening, Triple H, X-Pac, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn and Chris Benoit battled Cactus Jack, The Rock, Rikishi Phatu and Too Cool. Tori and Stephanie came out as wellto watch there men on.. The capacity crowd was electric as the ten superstars went to war. The match offered a minute preview of what we may on Feb. 27 when Cactus Jack and Triple H face off at No Way Out. The two superstars couldn't keep away from each other. The match ended when Grand Master Sexay fell victim to not only a Pedigree at the hands of Triple H, but a flying headbutt by Chris Benoit, as well. After the match all ten superstars battled in the ring.

Then all of sudden the arena went dark. They played some mirror images of the Raw entrance onto the Titantron. Then Kane's theme played to an incredible fan reaction as Paul Bearer, decked out in red, showedup. But the battle stopped when a returning Paul Bearer shocked the world and introduced the combatants to Kane. Kane quickly cleared the ring as RAW went off the air. Kane's entance was amazing, and he had only been out for 10 days!! It's not he was out for along time. Well, with the monster Kane on the loose, Tori had better be careful!

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