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Marble Masks

One day I met a very nice couple. He said he was a doctor. She said she was the president of The Vagabond Players Theater in Fells Point, Baltimore. They noticed my van - it has anthonymarbleworks written on each side. They proposed giving me a large panel of marble - it was broken into two pieces (a 1/3 piece and a 2/3 piece). They offered to give me the bigger chunk if I would make them something out of the smaller hunk, perhaps a picture of theater masks. The man, "Ferd" delivered the stone to my door.(that was very nice of him). Now that I have completed the project as agreed, I can begin carving the larger panel. Like George W. says -


Sounds like something you'd say after you made the final payment on a used farm tractor, don't it?

To me, this is like the fruit from my studio - there is bounty! (Below is the other half in progress...)