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G Scale 84k Photo 1 On Sept. 08, 2001 Roger Cutter had a G Scale meet at his home. This large outdoor railroad is a work in progress, as are most model railroads. This is a sampling of the trains we saw on our visit. There won't be much commentary on these photos.
G Scale 77K Photo 2 This is a very nice brass model. Many of the locos were brass that day. I am particularly fond of Colorado narrow gauge trains and 463 is a nice one.
G Scale 119K Photo 3 I also like logging locos. I think this is brass but it may be a Spectrum model.
G Scale 89k Photo 4 Another type of logging loco. I believe this is a Spectrum Climax.
G Scale 111K Photo 5 Another one of those brass Colorado narrow gauge jobs pulling a string of tank cars.
G Scale 91kPhoto 6 463 passes two other brass models at a water tank that is under construction. You can get a good look at Roger's construction technique here. The sub-roadbed, if you can call it that, is horizontal PVC. It is supported by vertical PVC. I believe it is in the ground at least a foot. The roadbed is plywood. This will eventually all be back-filled with dirt.
G Scale 86K Photo 7 Noel Crawford patiently preps his live steam shay for a run. Noel's the guy you take things to if you can't make 'em run. He will.
G Scale 86K Photo 8 Hoooo..h, a geyser!! I think we lost half the water. But Noel got it running with a nice set of logging cuts.
G Scale 77K Photo 9 I this is a Porter that someone has made to look real. I think it started out as a German prototype, but I'm not sure.
G Scale 77k Photo 10 A goose!! And a nice one at that.
G Scale 91K Photo 11 Someone did a nice job on this logging caboose. That guy looks like he is either drunk or just got up, maybe both.
G Scale 76k Photo 12 I thought this was appropriate for the end of this page.
Model Index

Last Update: 01/10/2002